Alexandre de la Taille

Pioneer in the development in France of robotic surgery in urology, Prof. Alexandre de la Taille began his training in open surgery and moved on to laparoscopic surgery in 2000. In 2005, the appearance of robotics on the technical and operating platform of the Henri Mondor University Hospital, gave him access to the 17th robot sold in the world. He immediately began performing robotic prostatectomy assisted by the da Vinci system and standardized the technique.
To date, Prof. Alexandre de la Taille has performed more than 3,500 robotic procedures, including 3,000 for the treatment of prostate cancer.
His experience and his national and international recognition have led him to perform live surgeries and operative demonstrations in France (Hartman Clinic, Longjumeau Clinic, Tenon University Hospital, Enghien les Bains Clinic, Limoges, HCL Lyon, Marseille University Hospital), in Germany (Martini Klinik, Düsseldorf University Hospital), in Spain (Puigvert Institute), in Lebanon (Clemenceau Medical Center, Clinique du Levant), and in Italy (Turin). He has been a speaker at the French Congress of Urology (AFU), the European Congress of Urology (EAU) and the Congress of Endocoelio-surgery.
He is also involved in proctoring to help his colleagues start robotic surgery in their centers via the training set up by the company Intuitive Surgical.
His robotic surgeries include radical prostatectomy with or without lymph node dissection, nephrectomy, total nephrectomy, kidney harvesting for living donation, cystectomy with bladder replacement or Bricker shunt.